Monday, October 10, 2011

Trigger Shot D-Day. . . YES!!!

I got the great news today that I am finally ready for the retrieval!!!!  :-)  You cannot imagine how happy I was to hear those words, but now my stomach is in knots…I am terrified there wont be any eggs!

Today was my last morning with Wanda!  He, He!  Dr. Hesla said that my uterine lining looked "perfect" in terms of the thickness it should be at this stage of my cycle, and I think I have between 18 and 20 follicles.  That’s just an estimate since he couldn’t see how many eggs I had in my right ovary again…even after he and his nurse took turns pushing on my sore abdomen trying to get a better look.  He said that he could at least count 6, but that some were hiding.  I can't tell you how proud I am of my body for working so well and producing so many follicles (with eggs!!!) 

Tonight at precisely 9:30pm, we will do the HCG injection and none ever again, fingers crossed!  Tomorrow, I get an injection-free day (woohoo!), which you can be sure I will enjoy immensely.  IV on Wednesday, but after that it should only be blood draws.  Easy as pie!

Rob, my mom and I will check-in at 7:45am on Wednesday and our retrieval will begin at 8:30am (36 hours after the HCG injection). 

Rob will give his donation (Fresh is best) I don’t think anyone can be with me until after the retrieval since I’ll be under anesthesia.  Depending on how uncomfortable Rob is after his donation, my mom will be there to take me home.  I can’t wait to see how many Grade A eggs they retrieve! 

I am amazed that we have made it this far honestly, since there are so many variables that have to be lined up just right in order to reach this point--just as with a natural pregnancy.  I am excited and thinking of my future babies and talking to them.  Rob is excited too and so glad we are on to the next step of this adventure. 

Thank you all so much for your good thoughts while we take this crazy roller coaster ride together --I know they have helped!

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