Thursday, October 13, 2011

Retrieval and Fertilization

After 3 long weeks of daily shots it all came to an end yesterday at the retrieval.  I am so proud of myself and my family and friends for supporting me in this long journey.  Although, the journey isn't over yet, I am still amazed at how far we've come.

The retrieval day started with us getting up really early and taking Morgan to Alaena's before school.  Then we had to race through traffic to be to the office by 7:45 which isn't easy in foggy, wet traffic.  We made it in time!  We went to the office and were ushered into the back where we'd never been before.  It looked just like a hospital, but it is part of the office.  Pretty cool, that everything is in house.  The nurse was really nice, although Rob didn't think so.  Mainly because she was trying to protect me and she didn't understand his humor....  I thought she was great, even though she had to start my iv 3 times!!!  I was a trooper!  They're my battle wounds and with all of this, I truly believe no pain no gain!  After she put the iv in, I got to meet the great Anesthesiologist.  She's awesome!!!  So sweet and had a great sense of humor!  The doctor came in and said Hi and told Rob that someone would come for him soon....and even before I had any drugs, I thought that was hilarious!!!  I was laughing out loud and more puns were flowing....The nurses were wondering what I was laughing was bad when I had to explain my laughing....What can I say, laughter eases the nerves.  After a stop in the restroom, I walked in to the operating room and laid down on this weird bed that parts removed and had really high stirrups.  The Anesthesiologist gave me some oxygen which I hate, it tickles my nose and then she said she was giving me some happy juice and I was out!  I woke up saying that Rob is normal....?!?!  I am guessing it has to do with his spermies.  I also asking how many eggs I got, and the magic number is 18!!!  I had more follicles than that, but I am thrilled with the number.

I was in some pain but it's nothing compared to having my tubes removed.  I found my big comfy chair, watched crappy TV and rested.  It was great!  Travis brought me a pumpkin pie from Costco and that was just wonderful!!!  I also made a huge crock-pot of soup!  I mean huge!  I'll be freezing it, bringing it to work and eating it for weeks!

The day after the retrieval-

I got the greatest call from the embryologist this morning and out of 18 eggs, 14 were mature and 12 fertilized!  OMG!!!  That's great news!  Now we wait till Monday for the transfer and see what grade they are before deciding on putting 1 or 2 in!

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