Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IVF Shoot “Em Up!

I am so apprehensive about the shot part of the protocol, that I don’t know what I am more worried about, the shots or not getting the ultimate gift of life.  How sad, pathetic and depressing is that?  How could I be so worried about becoming a pincushion when the needles are tiny-tiny?  It’s because they are my Kryptonite! 

After spending a whopping, $2,300 on Monday, I got my two bags full of supplies from the pharmacy!  It’s all becoming so real!  Please tell me how medicine that seems to be used more and more for infertility issues, still costs so much? 

The pharmacist was very nice and went through each medication with me, but I am still grateful that we have an injection class to go back over things.   Listening to him talk was like listening to Charlie Brown’s Parents…Mauh, Muah, Muah!   I have my first shot on the 19th., and I get nauseous just thinking about it.  What happenstance, that my class and first injection fall on the same day! 

Also, why are prenatal pills so big?  I have such a hard time taking little pills that I am always afraid I am going to choke and shoot the pill out my nose!  Wouldn’t that be a pretty sight, no, not really!

Wish me lots of luck!!!

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